Why study this course?
“The nature of this level of counselling course involves a degree of self-awareness and personal development. It is important that you consider that you may not be ready for this course if you have undergone any significant life change or loss in the last 12 months”.
This course is designed for those people who wish to involve themselves in helping either in a professional or voluntary capacity. The course will offer the opportunity for participants to examine their own personal development and enhance their self- awareness. It will include various communication skills and methods and their application in various situations, including experimental learning, group work, considering ethical considerations.
The course is suitable for professionals employed in education, welfare or social services wishing to develop a counselling/helping/mentoring role. It is also appropriate for those working in a voluntary capacity with self-help groups or other agencies. It will be necessary to do extra reading and research at home, at least 5-7 hours a week. A reading list will be provided, and you will need to obtain one or two books.
A commitment to equal opportunities is an essential component of this course.
At least 5-7 hours of study at home per week will be required.
Note to applicants:
In this course you will be expected to talk about yourself in a classroom environment and have mandatory attendance of at least 90% for the duration of the course. As this is an introduction to the Counselling training you need to be aware that you will be expected to do a lot of use of self-reflection, and this could result in highlighting things that have happened and have impacted on your life/things that are happening and impacting on your life. You need to think carefully before embarking on this course to ensure that it is the right course for you at this time in your life as it will not be a place for you to have group therapy it will be an academic/teaching course that will help you learn and develop counselling skills.
Students will need to be prepared to seek outside help/college counsellor if it becomes apparent (or if the tutor advises) to ensure emotional safety.
Due to the nature of the course, with what will be shared in emotional check-ins and the classroom setting, students cannot attend with anyone they know or are related to.
Please be aware that students will be expected to complete a BKSB Maths & English initial and diagnostic assessment during the induction period to assess skills at that time and to help to enhance these skills during your studies.
Course Content
This course consists of four mandatory units:
How are students assessed?
Continuous assessment through assignments/projects/reflective journals and portfolio building
Completion of portfolio by end of course which will be internally and externally assessed.
A completely signed off portfolio of evidence is mandatory by the end of the course for final assessment to take place.
Attendance will be monitored throughout the course (minimum 90%)
External verifiers may request copies of your portfolio, but your confidentiality will be kept at all times.
Progression routes:
NCFE (CACHE) level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills followed by:
CPCAB Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
PLEASE NOTE-students who do not successfully complete level 2 will not be considered for progression to level 3.
Alongside successful completion of level 2 Counselling course and level 3 you then wish to apply for the level 4 then part of the entry requirements for a level 4 you will need a degree in any subject/functional skills level 2 adult literacy /”A” levels in any subject that were essay based. If applicants do not have these English requirements for level, then they will need to do an English qualification alongside the Level 3 Counselling course.
Entry requirements
Candidate will need to 18 as of the 31st Aug of the academic year
No prior knowledge is required to enrol on this course.
Basic IT skills will be a necessity as coursework will need to be uploaded to Turnitin on our Moodle system you will need to know how to create/save and upload a word document to the college system.
Writing materials
Laptop/tablet/mobile phone- if possible
A book list will be provided, and it is recommended that you obtain one book from the list. (Books) at candidates own expense.
Day, time and duration
Daytime – Friday 20th September 2024 until Friday 4th April 2025
9am – 1pm
25 weeks
Coombs Wood Campus
Evening –
Thursday 19th September 2024 until Thursday 3rd April 2025
5pm – 9pm
25 weeks
Whittingham Road Campus
Evening – Thursday 19th September
Daytime – Friday 20th September
This course may be FREE or funded depending on your circumstances.
For more information about funding your course, click here